Lifestyle & Human Interest

After 56 Years of Marriage, Couple Dies Hours Apart While Holding Hands


For anyone who’s a skeptic when it comes to true love, one story about a couple who shared a lifetime of true love and companionship may just change your mind.

The daughters of Will and Judy Webb call their parents’ relationship “big time love.” Once you read their story, you may start to believe in fairy tales again.

After writing to Will as a friend while he was stationed with the Army in Korea, Judy became much more than a friend to Will. They quickly fell in love.

When he returned, they married on Feb. 16, 1963. Will and Judy would have 56 years of life and love ahead of them.

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The couple settled and began their family in Michigan. They had three beautiful daughters together — grown women who now talk about their parents with such reverence and love.

“They always had their arms on each other,” daughter Lori Thomas told WJBK. “If she was away five minutes, he would say, ‘Where’s mama, have you seen mama?'”

Sadly, a routine surgery changed everything for Judy. Complications arose and things went from bad to worse within moments.

Do you believe in true love like this couple shared?

“She ended up coding from it,” Thomas shared. “My father watched it and broke.”

The couple’s connection was so strong and so true, Will seemingly couldn’t survive without his bride by his side. He was taken to a different hospital the following day after collapsing at home.

In 56 years of marriage, Will and Judy had never been apart. Perhaps this is why, though separated, their lives were still in sync.

“She would get a fever from her infection; he would get a fever. Couldn’t figure out where his was coming from because there was no source,” daughter Marybeth Webb told WJBK.

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“Both ended up unresponsive at the same time, ended up back in the ICU,” Webb added. It was clear to everyone that Will and Judy’s bond was more than anyone ever knew.

When it neared the end, their daughters knew the couple had to be reunited before they took their final breaths.

Once they were in hospice together, their daughters pushed their beds together so Will and Judy could hold hands for the last time.

Thomas described the moment her mom seemed to sense her father had passed, explaining how Judy was “rubbing his hand.” A few hours later, on March 6, 2019, she followed her husband.

“Just feeling heartbroken,” daughter Ann Webb-Warren wrote on Facebook. In an interview, she said her parents are an example of why “no one should ever settle.”

“If you have someone you truly love, you should fight for it,” Webb-Warner told WJBK. “They fought for their love every day.”

What a powerful story. Our hearts are with these daughters as they grieve the loss of both their parents. We are grateful they took the time to share their parents’ story, and have no doubt Will and Judy are holding hands in heaven.

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Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.
Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.

Sarah's experience as a successful working stay-at-home mom and business owner has given her the chance to write and research often. She stays up to date on the latest in entertainment and offers her views on celebrity stories based on her wide knowledge of the industry. Her success as a former preschool teacher and licensed daycare provider lend to her know-how on topics relating to parenting and childhood education.

Her thoughts on faith and family issues stem from home life and ministry work. Sarah takes time to attend workshops and classes annually that help her to improve and hone her writing craft. She is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature program and her writing has been acclaimed by ACFW and ECPA.
Institute of Children's Literature, Art Institute of Phoenix (Advertising), University of California Irvine (Theater), Snow College (Early Childhood Education)
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