
More Than 39 GOP Senators File to Stop Biden's Employer Vaccine Mandate


More than 39 GOP senators formally moved forward Wednesday to end President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on private companies and their employees under the Congressional Review Act.

Biden is expected to issue a rule to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandate requirements official for private businesses with more than 100 employees, in a move that will impact more than 80 million Americans.

Those who refuse to comply could face $14,000 fines.

“President Biden is playing a game of chicken with Oklahomans’ lives and livelihoods. No one should have to choose between their job and their personal health care decisions,” Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford said in a statement.

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“I have pushed hard against the vaccine mandates since they were first announced by introducing bills to repeal the mandate for federal employees and contractors and protect service members from dishonorable discharge and speaking directly to agency heads to share the real impacts these mandates are already having on Oklahomans,” he added.

Lankford noted he and other GOP senators are standing to “preserve our liberties.”

The senator’s statement blasted Biden’s mandate as “extreme overreach.”

“Now my colleagues and I are urging others to take a stand and vote in favor of our resolution to overturn Biden’s vaccine mandate on businesses and their employees. I will continue to fight/advocate to preserve our liberties and against Biden’s extreme overreach,” said Lankford.

Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun also addressed the mandates as a fight to protect “the liberties of millions of Americans.”

“Since the announcement of President Biden’s vaccine and testing mandate in September, I have led the charge to strike down this vast overstep of authority by the federal government,” Braun said.

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“Today, we are one step closer to protecting the liberties of millions of Americans in the private sector workforce under the Congressional Review Act. I urge my Senate colleagues to vote in favor of this disapproval resolution in the coming weeks,” Braun added.

Tennessee Republican Sen. Bill Hagerty, one of the colleagues included in the response, also noted the mandates are “the last thing” America’s businesses need right now.

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“At a time when businesses across the country are already suffering the crippling consequences of labor shortages, supply chain turmoil, and skyrocketing inflation, the last thing they need is another federal regulation making it even harder to find and retain workers,” Hagerty said in the statement.

“While I believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine, this is a personal decision for each American, in consultation with his or her doctor, not the federal government. Congress must protect Americans’ individual liberties and livelihoods by rejecting this unconstitutional overreach by President Biden,” he added.

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Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books.
Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books. An accomplished endurance athlete, Burroughs has also completed numerous ultramarathons. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and three children.
