
2016 Interview Clip Seems To Show Cohen Lied During Congressional Testimony


Video of a 2016 CNN interview with President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen shows Cohen appears to have lied during his Wednesday congressional testimony, when he said he did not want to work in the White House.

When asked in 2016 by CNN’s Chris Cuomo if there was a chance Trump would ask him to go to Washington to work for him, Cohen told Cuomo, “I certainly hope so.”

Cuomo followed up and asked if Cohen would want to go, Cohen responded saying, “One hundred percent.”

When asked about his future job, Cohen said, “Hopefully, it’ll be in Washington.”

Cohen himself tweeted out the interview on Nov. 10, 2016, only a day after Trump’s upset victory over Hillary Clinton was completed in the early hours of Nov. 9.

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Check it out here. The talk about Cohen’s prospects for a job with Trump in Washington starts about the 8:40 mark.

This comes after Cohen told the House Oversight Committee that, he “did not want to go to the White House,” saying “I was offered jobs.”

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U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, the Ohio Republican and ranking Republican on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, accused Cohen point blank of using his testimony Wednesday as a way to get back for being passed over for work in the White House.

“You wanted to work in the White House, and you didn’t get invited to the dance,” Jordan said, before comparing Cohen two prominent Trump critics: former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Comey was fired by Trump in May of 2017. McCabe was fired in March 2018.

“Now you’re behaving just like everyone else who got fired or didn’t get the job they wanted, like Andy McCabe, like James Comey,” Jordan said. “Same kind of selfish motivation after you don’t get the thing you want.

“That’s what I see here today and I think that’s what the American people see.”

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According to Townhall, CNN reporter Dana Bash called Cohen out after the hearing Wednesday saying, “he very much wanted a job in the White House.”

Trump’s family also weighed in, “Michael was lobbying EVERYONE to be ‘Chief of Staff.’ It was the biggest joke in the campaign and around the office. Did he just perjure himself again?,” Eric Trump tweeted Wednesday.

Donald Trump Jr. also called out the former Trump attorney.

Cohen is set to go to prison for 36 months, starting May 6 for lying to Congress.

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